Push notifications are a great tool to have in your marketing toolbox. They trigger engagement, create a direct form of communication and are extremely effective tools when used correctly. Being selective in how you use push notifications keeps the value high and customers appreciative. A hail storm alert or follow up instructions is push worthy. A reminder to have a great holiday is not… just image if every business interrupted your day with a push notifications wishing you a Happy 4th of July! Keep the following rules of push notifications in mind: 

  1. Communicate the benefits of push notifications when you promote your app. Tell clients these will be used for high value, relevant and important alerts and messages. Let users and clients know about the advantages of push notifications anywhere you promote the app so they opt-in when downloading the app. They might automatically push “no” because they aren’t familiar with the concept or don’t want you to inundate their day. But once you explain what you’ll be sending them (and how sparingly–see below), they’ll want to say “yes”. Let them know you share your fun social interactions on FaceBook.
  2. Use them sparingly. Only send push notifications if they are relevant to recipient and have a call to action. We’re already bombarded by notifications on our devices, so don’t add to the noise. Instead, form quality messages that are valuable, useful and catchy. As an agency, consider starting with one notification per month and go from there once you get accustomed to the process. You can make an exception if there are weather emergencies or other circumstances that require more frequent notifications.
  3. Tailor the message to the user. Take this example of a push notification:

“We’re sharing this info with you because it could affect you. It takes 2-5 minutes to read this article on Umbrella Insurance to understand why layers of protection are critical to your family, your assets and your future. Know the options and the risks.” CTA Link to article or survey.

Who would you send this to? Obviously only clients without an umbrella policy, but with a business, home or auto policies that qualify for Umbrella coverage. Target notifications to specific groups such as type of policy, policy groups ( new drivers, renters) geographic region, millennials etc.

  1. Get the timing right. This varies for every industry and every target audience, but it’s especially tricky for an insurance agency. Push notifications are instant so if you ask clients to take action be prepared to respond. The best time to reach your clients may be in the late afternoon when they can take a break from work to give you a call or on the weekend. If you send during the weekend when clients have time to do a bit of research make sure you can respond to calls, chats, or texts. As an advisor you can also take advantage of bad weather and breaking news to inform and educate clients on what they need to know instantly. Whatever the message make sure the staff knows what you’ve shared.
  2. Track and improve. The only way to know if your push notifications are really doing what they’re meant to do is by tracking the data. Look at app usage statistics, do A/B testing and consider asking clients about the app at the end of your meeting. When armed with this knowledge, you can craft more efficient push notifications and see bigger results.